Persona 4 aiya daughter
Persona 4 aiya daughter

Light/Sun = Fire & Earth AKA the 'masculine' elements.ĭarkness/Moon = Wind & Water AKA the 'feminine' elements. (Even Izanagi if you take into account Souji can only talk with pre-set options but is the practical, reliable leader right from the start, it fits perfectly with this).Īs for Light and Darkness, they most likely stand for the Sun and Moon, which work thusly: Since he can't stand being bored he often does something stupid which, since that's the opposite of being practical AKA Earth, translates in him being weak to Electricity which represents that element.īy the time you finish his social link, Yousuke learns not to be quite so childish (thus minimising his weakness) and also gains the proper motivation to keep on fighting, thus explaining the otherwise odd resistance against Fire (AKA willpower). Now compare these meanings to the Inaba Scoobies' personae.įor example: Yousuke is strong with wind AKA Comunication, which shows most strongly in how he's usually the one that gets the gang together, and how he manages to avoid answering whenever people start asking questions about his shadow. Water = Emotions, imaginative, nurturing, introverted -AKA EmotionĮarth = Body, practical, sensual, grounded -AKA Stability Persona 4 The characters elemental strengths and weaknesses are chosen based off of their meanings in the Western Zodiac.Īssume for a moment that Ice = Water, Electric = Earth, then read their meanings listed below.įire = Spirit, inspired, energy, instinctual, outgoing, active -AKA Willpower/AmbitionĪir = Mind, intellectual, ideas, detached, social, conceptual -AKA Information/Comunication

persona 4 aiya daughter

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persona 4 aiya daughter

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